35 research outputs found

    Uji Provenansi Eboni (Diospyros Celebica Bakh) Fase Anakan

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    The study was conducted to determine growth variability of ebony within the provenances using provenance test. The results of this study were expected to show growth variability of ebony in different provenances. For the purpose of the study, five provenances of ebony (Maros, Barru, Sidrap, Malili, and Mamuju) were prepared. The data obtained were statistically analyzed using multivariate analysis with SPSS version 10. the results showed that the Sidrap provenances had higher growth compared to the other provenances at seedling stage. Keywords : growth variation, provenances, and ebony Keywords : growth variation, provenances, and ebon

    Potensi dan Karateristik Ekologi Provenansi Eboni (Diospyros Celebica Bakh) untuk Pemuliaan dan Konservasi Genetik

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    Forest as a natural resource in Indonesia involves high biological diversity. In South Sulawesi, ebony wood is one of endemic and typical natural resources and its existence have placed Indonesia as the producer for the wood with highest economic value. The high economic potency of ebony wood has caused an intensive exploitation of ebony from its natural habitat.. One of factors causing the degradation was the existence of uncontrolled harvesting activities which were not accompanied by rehabilitation efforts. One effort, which can be carried out to anticipate the progressive destructive condition of the ebony in its natural habitat, is by developing and implementing tree breeding as well as genetic conservation systems. This research was addressed to identify the ecological conditions of various habitats or provenances of ebony. Ecological characteristics observed in the current study were the potencies of volume, regeneration or density, and environmental conditions covering four different provenances (Maros, Barru, Sidrap, and Malili). Data were collected by applying random sampling method in plots and field measurement.Research results indicate that the standing stock of different provenances varied from 2.25 – 6.86 m3/ha in volume with the density of 0.8 – 2.16 trees/plot, 2.54 – 6.3 poles/plot, 4.79 – 9.72 saplings/plot, and 90.54 – 139.86 seedlings/plot. The research results show that the existing volume and density of ebony belong to the low category compared to the natural condition. Keywords: eboni, ecologycal characteristis, provenance Keywords: eboni, ecologycal characteristis, provenanc

    Karakterisasi Genetis Sumber Benih Tegakan Pinus Teridentifikasi di Hutan Pendidikan Universitas Hasanuddin

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    Studi genetik tegakan pinus teridentifikasi di Hutan Pendidikan Unhas . Tujuan penelit??an ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan genetik tegakan pinus teridentifikasi di Hutan Pendidikan berdasarkan penanda RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Bioteknologi Silvikultur Universitas Hasanudin Makassar dan Laboratorium RSP Unhas. Metode yang digunakan adalah isolasi DNA, seleksi primer dan Analisis RAPD. Hasil analisis DNA pinus dengan menggunakan 10 jenis primer acak (OPS 11, OPP 08, OPA 02, OPG 02, OPK 20, OPY 06, OPZ 12, OPK 10, OPM 06 dan OPD 03) menunjukkan adanya pola pita dan jumlah pita polimorfik yang bervariasi yaitu antara 8 ??? 22 pita. Pada taraf kesamaan 60 % hampir semua indifidu membentuk klaster tersendiri, kecuali pada indifidu sampel 22, 23 dan 24 berada dalam klaster yang sama. Jarak genetik pinus yang terjauh adalah 0.9630 (antara sampel 6 dengan sampel 30) sedangkan jarak genetik terdekat adalah 0.2698 (antara sampel 17 dengan sampel 19). Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan jarak genetik dan dendogram yang terbentuk menunjukkan keragaman genetik antara individu tegakan pinus teridentifikasi tergolong tinggi


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    The intensive use of Eboni has caused a decrease of its natural population which has also contributed to the future loss of genetic potencies. Preservation efforts could only be conducted if the actual potencies of the stand and its environmental conditions were recognized. A study on stand and regeneration potencies as well as its soil characteristics is needed as a basic in management aplication for the increase of genetic potencies. This study used a systematic sampling survey method and laboratory analysis. The study aims to identify tree potencies and regeneration of Eboni Makassar as well as its soil characteristics under the stand. The results are expected to provide a description on Eboni Makassar potencies and its management efforts. It was found from the study that the potency of Eboni was 5.013 m3/ha with minimum and maximum estimated volumes of 3.163 m3/ha and 6.863 m3/ha, respectively. Eboni was naturally regenerated better in >40% slope category. Keywords: Eboni, Potencies and Regeneration, Various Slop

    Studi Heterozigositas, Jarak Genetik, dan Kluster Pohon Kenari (Canarium commune L.) di Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar Sul-Sel Berdasarkan Analisis Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besaran nilai Heterozigositas sebagai indikator tingkat keragaman genetik, mengetahui jarak genetik dan hubungan kekerabatan antar pohon, serta mengetahui jumlah kluster yang terbentuk pada pohon Canarium commune L. di Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar dalam upaya pemuliaan, pembudidayaan, dan konservasi tanaman kenari di Sulawesi Selatan.\ud Dilaksanakan pada bulan Pebruari sampai Maret 2014, lokasi pengambilan sampel pada areal sumber benih TBT Desa Onto dan Kelurahan Batangmata Sapo Kecamatan Bontomate???ne di Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar Sulawesi Selatan. Analisis laboratorium di Laboratorium Silvikultur unit Bioteknologi Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Hasanuddin, dan Laboratorium Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar. Metode yang digunakan adalah penanda molekuler RAPD (Random Amplified Polimorphic DNA) dengan analisis statistik program NTSYSpc (Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate System). Primer yang digunakan adalah OPP 08 dan OPK 20.\ud Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa nilai heterozigositas (He) tanaman kenari pada populasi Onto adalah 0,711 (keragaman genetik yang tinggi) sedangkan populasi Batangmata Sapo hanya 0,172 (rendah), dengan nilai rata-rata He sebesar 0,697 (tinggi). Jarak genetik dalam populasi Onto memiliki hubungan kekerabatan dekat dengan populasi Batangmata Sapo dengan nilai 0,167-0,500 kecuali pohon Ot5 dengan Bs2, Bs8, Bs9, Bs10 dan Ot8 dan Ot10. Pohon Ot10 memiliki jarak genetik yang paling jauh dibandingkan lainnya. Kluster yang terbentuk pada Populasi Onto pada koofisien kesamaan 0,5 berjumlah 3 kluster, dimana pohon Ot1, Ot2, Ot3, Ot5, Ot6, dan Ot7 bergabung pada kluster yang sama, sedangkan pohon Ot8 dan Ot10 masing-masing membentuk kluster tersendiri. Sedangkan kluster yang terbentuk pada Populasi Batangmata Sapo pada koofisien kesamaan 0,5 hanya terbentuk satu kluster

    Content Analysis of Class X High School Physics Learning Video by Koh Ben on the Big Course YouTube Channel

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    This paper reports research that aims to determine the feasibility of a learning video made by Koh Ben on the 'BIG Course' YouTube channel. Video learning is one of the most frequently used learning media and only videos that are appropriate can provide maximum benefits in learning physics. This study used a content analysis design with 4 analyzes carried out, namely content analysis, presentation analysis, graphic analysis, and language analysis. The learning videos analyzed were taken directly from the YouTube channel totaling 20 videos containing material for class X physics in the 2013 curriculum. From the results and discussion, it was concluded that the 20 videos for teaching physics for class X were very feasible with a percentage of 89.25% on the content aspect, 86% on the aspect delivery, 91.5% in the graphic aspect, and 99.75% in the language aspectThis paper reports research that aims to determine the feasibility of a learning video made by Koh Ben on the 'BIG Course' YouTube channel. Video learning is one of the most frequently used learning media and only videos that are appropriate can provide maximum benefits in learning physics. This study used a content analysis design with 4 analyzes carried out, namely content analysis, presentation analysis, graphic analysis, and language analysis. The learning videos analyzed were taken directly from the YouTube channel totaling 20 videos containing material for class X physics in the 2013 curriculum. From the results and discussion, it was concluded that the 20 videos for teaching physics for class X were very feasible with a percentage of 89.25% on the content aspect, 86% on the aspect delivery, 91.5% in the graphic aspect, and 99.75% in the language aspec


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    This study aims  to investigate genetic diversity of identified pine stands at Unhas Extention Forest based on morphological markers.  The methods used are observation and measurement of the variables leaves, stems and plant height.  An analysis of data used the NTSYSpc program (Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate System) version 2.0.The results showed that there are some morphological similarities such as  the shape of the leaves (needles), the shape of the curve of the leaf tip (tapered), the shape of the curve of the leaf base(tapering), the shape of the leaf margins (flat), the color of top surface of the leaf (dark green), the color of lower surface of leaf (dark green), the state of the upper surface of the leaf (smooth), the state of the lower leaf surface (rough), bark texture (grooved), rod shape (square), and the shape of the canopy (cones) while the other variables showed a difference. The genetic diversity of individual spine based on morphological observations is low.   Keywords  :  Morfological, Genetics,  Diversity, Pin


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    The productivity of forest natural resources is now decreasing and therefore rehabilitation efforts is urgently needed. Breeding of forest plant is the best solution to increase forest productivity in both quantity and quality. The biological reproduction can be conducted through seed production with fertilization. This research was aimed at determining the effect of fertilizing treatments on pod and seed production of different Glirisidia sepium provenances to find out the best provenance and best fertilizer dosage. Fertilization treatments showed a significant effect on the pod and seed production. On the other hand, the provenance and its interaction with fertilizing did not show any significant effects on the pod and seed production. The best performance was found on the fertilization treatment of 500 g resulting in the average production of 1,288 pods and 27,621 seeds/tree. Keywords: Fertilizing, Seed Production, Provenance, Glirisidia sepiu


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    The successful of genomic DNA amplification using RAPD technique was determined by the sequence of primer’s base and primer compound in each reaction. The aim of research was finding the best primer for genetic diversity analyses of Bitti (Vitex coffassus). The results of amplification showed that number of band between one to five bands (110-600 bp). The primer of OPK-10, OPA-17, OPQ-07 and OPP-08 can be used for genetic diversity analyses of Bitti. The best primer used for genetic diversity analyses of Bitti was OPP-08 because it had the highest number of bands (5 bands). Key words: OPP-08, Primer Selection, Vitex coffassu